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Back To The Press Room — Why Now?
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Back To The Press Room


CNN parrots the MAC-V MNF-I report: U.S.: Senior al Qaeda in Iraq leader held. It was a patriotic capture on the the Fourth of July of the Media Director of Al Qaeda in Iraq who supposedly coordinates with AQ-HQ on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border.

What do they have against press secretaries? They arrested al Sadr’s press secretary in January with much fanfare. I guess it’s critical that AQ-I’s websites will no longer be up-to-date.

The situation is simple: the Hedgemony screwed up and pulled people away from the real counter-terrorism mission in Afghanistan to attack Iraq for no reason. As a result, the original franchise is still going strong in the Northwest Territories of Pakistan, and an opportunist in Iraq opened shop after the occupation was botched.

The foreign fighters in Iraq are coming from Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and most of the attacks are carried out by Baathist elements, but these idiots are blaming Iran, Syria, and Hezbollah.

We have to impeach these people to get someone in power who at a minimum understands that you will never hit a target if you don’t aim at it.


1 Badtux { 07.18.07 at 6:02 pm }

Hmm, are you saying that “Dead Eye Dick” and his crew don’t always hit the target they supposedly went hunting for? That they might, like, shoot a member of their hunting party in the face rather than their stated prey? You don’t say!

– Badtux the Snarky Penguin

2 Bryan { 07.18.07 at 7:24 pm }

I’m beginning to think that the safest groups in the Middle East are those that actually attack the US, like Libya, al Qaeda, and Baathist insurgents. Hmm, the US armed and trained Libya, the original fighters who became al Qaeda, and Saddam. I’m beginning to see a pattern emerge.

3 hipparchia { 07.18.07 at 7:45 pm }

i’m thinking dick cheney can’t hit whatever he’s aiming at.

then again, we don’t know for sure or not if his design all along was to accidenally-on-purpose kill worthington in a staged hunting accident.

4 Bryan { 07.18.07 at 10:09 pm }

Nah, everyone knows you need at least goose loads in a 16 gauge to bring down a lawyer, a 28 gauge with 7½ bird shot just doesn’t get it.

5 hipparchia { 07.18.07 at 11:34 pm }

*i* didn’t know. i’ve never tried to bring down anything larger than a rusty old tin can.

6 Bryan { 07.19.07 at 12:12 am }

Yeah, but you have never claimed to be a hunter, even a Romney-type hunter.

7 Cookie Jill { 07.19.07 at 2:47 am }

Geez. Catching all these #2 Al Qaeda dudes and not a single capture of those terrorists who sent anthrax to Democratic lawmakers and a TV Newsanchor.

8 jams o donnell { 07.19.07 at 11:41 am }

Perhaps the they say number twos instread of…. On the other hand it wouldn’t make great copy to say that an Al Qaeda gofer had been captured.

9 Bryan { 07.19.07 at 12:13 pm }

Americans died in the US and the Senate office building and multiple post office buildings had to be de-contaminated, but they have been as successful at capturing the people behind it as they have in catching Osama bin Laden.

Well, a press secretary is a little higher up the chain than a gofer, but the logic applies, Jams. I seem to remember some of the “major” al Qaeda figures include chauffeurs, travel agents, and barbers, so press spokesman isn’t the bottom.