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CNN Links — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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CNN Links

If you link to a CNN story their ‘bots will notice and your post will appear in the Blogs section at the end of the article.

I’d rather get a mention from someone who actually read what I wrote, even without a link, than a link from a ‘bot.

Your mileage may vary.


1 Steve Bates { 08.03.07 at 1:07 am }

Agreed, wholeheartedly. I don’t even track or even count inbound links. Yes, I know that’s almost heresy by conventional blogger standards, but it’s a decision I made long ago, and I’ve yet to see a good reason to modify my policy. Inbound links are nice, but I blog for my own reasons.

I suppose your discovery means I may have been linked by CNN, when I have linked articles there. Woo-hoo… ask me if I care.

2 hipparchia { 08.03.07 at 1:21 am }

do you care?

3 hipparchia { 08.03.07 at 1:22 am }


4 Bryan { 08.03.07 at 10:08 am }

This looks a good deal more like CNN trying to bump up their credibility, than any benefit to a blogger, unless you have advertising. I tend to look for the people that actually do the reporting, rather than the people mirroring it, which is why I acknowledge the AP a lot, and don’t mention the site carrying the report.

It would be nice if the traditional media figured out that all they need to do is their job – provide accurate reporting of the facts, and label the opinions as opinions and not news.

5 hipparchia { 08.04.07 at 12:36 am }

It would be nice if the traditional media figured out that all they need to do is their job – provide accurate reporting of the facts, and label the opinions as opinions and not news.


i figured their linking to blogs just meant that they were looking for more ways to feed advertising to captive eyeballs, rather than making a bid for credibility.

6 Bryan { 08.04.07 at 11:32 am }

I don’t doubt that extra clicks is part of the mix, as well as a need to show they are ready for “Web 2.0,” whatever they think that means.