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A Little Sanity & Reporting — Why Now?
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A Little Sanity & Reporting

Bill Dedman, MSNBC Investigative reporter does his job: 10 myths about school shootings

The profile of the gun-toting student in a trench coat is just one of the myths about the rare but murderous attacks in the nation’s schools.

Here are 10 myths about school shootings, compiled by MSNBC.com from a 2002 study by the U.S. Secret Service and the U.S. Department of Education. The researchers studied case files and other primary sources for 37 attacks by current or former students, and also interviewed 10 of the perpetrators.

Before long the legislators will be out in force with plans to save us all by passing another totally worthless law. The only reason that people know about these attacks is the media coverage, if they don’t occur in the inner cities. As the media beat their drums people think there is some huge problem that must be dealt with immediately, and during an election year there will be a predictable rush to legislate to provide campaign talking points.

Smaller class sizes would probably do more good than metal detectors, but you won’t see that in the legislative agenda.

My solution would be psych screening for politicians.


1 Badtux { 02.15.08 at 5:29 pm }

You obviously aren’t thinking like a good Republican. Look, it’s clear that the problem is those people. You know, that particular race of people. They aren’t like us. You can’t deal with them rationally, because they are inherently violent.

No, I’m sad to say, there’s only one thing to do with those people, and that is to round them up and put them into internment camps like Our Lady of the Concentration Camps (Michelle Malkin) proposed.

Oh wait, these are all young white guys? Nevermind.

— Badtux the Snarky Penguin

2 Bryan { 02.15.08 at 10:25 pm }

They’ll pass some laws and closer to the election they’ll harass the police to hassle hookers and dealers, just like always. Got to prove you’re moral when you’re running for office.