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Water, Water Everywhere — Why Now?
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Water, Water Everywhere

In Central Florida: Relentless rains bring flooding; winds damage homes in Port Orange

The National Weather Service said this morning more than 11 inches of rain were recorded at Daytona Beach International Airport between 8 a.m. Monday morning and 8 a.m. today. And another 2.74 inches had fallen by 2 p.m., bringing the three-day total to almost 14 inches.

Even larger rainfall totals were reported in some parts of Flagler County. Emergency Management technician Bob Pickering said downtown Bunnell has received 19 inches since Sunday and Haw Creek, in extreme western Flagler, got 16.5 inches. Other notable totals: 16 inches in Port Orange, 10.6 inches in DeLand and 7.05 in Ponce Inlet.

In Northern Australia: Disaster zone: SE Qld under water

Yesterday was one of the wettest days in south-east Queensland’s history.

More than 300 millimetres [11.8 inches] of rain fell across the region, with some spots soaked by falls of up to 428 mm [16.9 inches].

The Florida rains are the result of a not quite tropical depression off the Atlantic coast in the Gulf [damn inconsiderate of these things to move when I’m not paying attention].

Queensland has been having nasty weather like this for a few years. It’s not the way things were.