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In The Weather — Why Now?
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In The Weather

I was extremely busy with Real Life™ and couldn’t present my normal coverage of Tropical Storm Sean, which used up a name while making life exciting in the Atlantic between Bermuda and the East Coast of the US. That should give some idea of how pressed for time I’ve been, and what a ‘nothing’ of a storm Sean was.

Of more personal interest was the buran in the Bering Sea. Buran [Буран] is the Russian name of the ‘snow hurricanes’ that are normally only seen in the interior of Siberia. They can have winds up to 100mph, bitter temperatures, and blowing snow.

Infrequently they make it into the Bering Sea and pummel the Northwest Coast of Alaska, as happened this past week. The loss of permafrost due to the rising temperatures in the Arctic makes the coast even more susceptible to erosion.

The area most affected by the storm is the end of the Iditarod Sled Dog Race on the coast of the Norton Sound.