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2011 November 24 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Early Morning Thoughts

A couple of days ago ‘George Washington’ posted this tweet: “If only they enforced bank regulations like they do park rules, we wouldn’t be in this mess.”

I remembered it as I stepped over people and walked around tents while picking up some last minute things for Thanksgiving. These people were camping out to be the first in the store for the ‘Black Friday’ sales.

There were similar scenes around the country for a recent movie premier that was featured on the news.

You wonder why there are no riot police or pepper spray used on these totally illegal, blocking-the-sidewalk displays, but if you try to complain about the current conditions you risk physical injury and/or arrest. Actually, you only wonder if you don’t understand who benefits from the ‘commercial’ camp-outs, and who owns the police.

November 24, 2011   11 Comments

Happy Thanksgiving

TurkeyMy view of Thanksgiving was skewed by my Father’s attitude. Having grown up on a poultry farm, he saw the holiday as the culmination of weeks of work “processing” dozens of turkeys to be frozen and readying a few dozen more for fresh delivery. We generally ate ham when he was alive.

Having been on my Grandfather’s farm at this time of year I can understand my Dad’s attitude: our meal was subject to interruption by people picking up a fresh turkey at the last minute. A sale is a sale when you are business for yourself.

Thanks to Duncan for locating the WKRP Turkey Drop. Watching it was long a tradition at our house.

Enjoy your meal and try to forget about the world’s problems for a day – they’ll still be there on Friday.

November 24, 2011   3 Comments