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Friday Cat Blogging — Why Now?
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Friday Cat Blogging


Friday Cat Blogging

Where’s the sun?

[Editor: Tonto is at her favorite sunny spot, but the sun is behind the total overcast of this week’s cold front. She and I are both feeling the North wind, which is why this has been so delayed.

Friday Ark


1 hipparchia { 11.18.11 at 10:19 pm }

i’m with you and tonto, but the fluffy black dog is thrilled that someone finally turned the a/c back on!

2 Bryan { 11.18.11 at 10:27 pm }

In New York our German Shepherd loved the snow, especially if it was deep, and refused to stay inside. She would double in apparent size during the winter from her undercoat.

My Parents had to leave her with neighbors in New York when they moved down here, because that dog would never have adapted to the heat.

3 jams o donnell { 11.19.11 at 8:17 am }

I Although it’s a mild November here, the furry foursome are finally spending more time indoors… Well Robyn stays indoors most f the time now but then he is an old felloe

4 oldwhitelady { 11.19.11 at 8:27 am }

Gosh, you and Tonto must have sent the cold overcast weather here. Tonto looks like she’s trying to keep as warm as possible, but she still looks chilled.

5 Kryten42 { 11.19.11 at 9:24 am }

We are currently having tropical weather here, which I have never experienced in Nov. We have had hot days in Nov, but the nights were usually still cool. Now we have had two straight days & nights of high humidity and thunder storms! They even reported a mini-tornado in an inner suburb of Melbourne today! It didn’t last long, but destroyed houses. Never heard of a tornado in the center of Melb!

But hey… Global Climate change is all bogus, right? Morons.

I really do feel sorry for the animals. They must be having a tough time dealing with the results of human stupidity. *sigh*

6 Bryan { 11.19.11 at 12:04 pm }

Robyn has earned his place by the fire, and the weather change gets to your bones as you age.

Yeah, OWL, we were just beginning to move after the last one, and the new one rolled in.

La Niña is not good news for Australia, Kryten, and it isn’t what they need in the center of the US. You have had really sucky weather for the last several years, a string of weather related disasters. At least your government actually admits there is a problem, unlike the US.