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2013 August 01 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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How Stupid Are They?

Yves Smith thinks that Obama is starting to lose it over Snowden, and, alas, I cannot disagree with her reasoning.

If you looked in a dictionary for “macho” you would see a picture of Vladimir Putin. He is constantly running around with his shirt off to kill or destroy something accompanied by the “FSB Lumberjack Chorus” and a film production company. The closest we come to this show is Sarah Palin. Zero has been trying to push him into doing something which is triggering testosterone poisoning all around. Evo Morales was on his way home from a meeting in Russia when the US messed with his flight clearance, and Putin would have taken that personally.

Russia doesn’t really need the US and relations were already going downhill before Snowden because of Central Asia, Iran, and Syria. Trying to push Russia into doing anything was really stupid.

I assume that Snowden will be using his new freedom of movement to visit embassies and get his asylum applications squared away. If he gets travel documents, he can leave Russia, but it probably will not be via Moscow.

The US says that the Obama-Putin summit is still on, but I think they might want to check with Vladimir, because he may decide not to talk to Zero.

August 1, 2013   4 Comments