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Another One In The Penalty Box — Why Now?
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Another One In The Penalty Box

Michigan has joined Florida in the DNC penalty box for scheduling an early primary. No delegates from Michigan, and the candidates are pulling out to avoid problems with the party rules.

This whole thing is bollixed up – they voted for the current rules, and then try to change them when they get back to their home states.

Personally I’d prefer no primaries until the Spring to shorten the entire process. It would certainly make the convention more meaningful, because lately everything is decided before the convention starts making the cost of putting it on a real waste of money.


1 hipparchia { 10.10.07 at 1:16 am }

it’s all those snowbirds. they come down here, spend entire winters, year after year, how could they not become honorary floridians?

2 Bryan { 10.10.07 at 4:43 pm }

Oh, Lord, it’s infectious.

3 Cookie Jill { 10.10.07 at 9:40 pm }

Santa Barbara voters are “pooched”

City election – Nov. 2007
Presidential Primary – Feb 2008
Statewide – June 2008
Presidential/General – Nov 2008

What are the odds that folks afraid to go out in the rain to vote will be making all four.

4 hipparchia { 10.10.07 at 11:38 pm }


5 Bryan { 10.10.07 at 11:46 pm }

Jill, we have a problem in that local elections have always been tied to the primary election, and that was always in March. It’s unclear how the change in the primary affects the local offices because many of the charters specifically say March. It’s a mess, which is normal for Florida election law. The other problem is that they will try to sneak in propositions/initiatives with the primary, so we could end up with bad law as well as no voice in the nomination process.

There’s nothing like a low turn out election to promote mischief.

6 whig { 10.12.07 at 3:24 pm }

Are both states using Diebold or other DRE voting equipment?

7 Bryan { 10.12.07 at 3:37 pm }

In Florida every county has its own system. My county uses mark/sense ballots and scanners, but several counties in south Florida use touch screen DREs from multiple vendors. I think we are moving to the mark/sense for the whole state after the mess following the 2006 election.

8 whig { 10.12.07 at 5:44 pm }

I expect all Diebold states to go for Hillary Clinton. Because that’s how Diebold will vote. But that’s just my tin foil hat, I guess.