Be Afraid, Be Very Afraid
If you live in the Hudson Valley of New York, you may want to spend Monday in your basement. “Dead-eye Dick” Cheney is rumored to be murdering small caged animals in Dutchess County on that day.
If you are a lawyer, you might want to consider filing amicus briefs with the Hawaii supreme court next week or wearing a vest with your suit to avoid embarrassment.
Oh, yes, keep your birds, hamsters, gerbils, or any small animal in a cage away from your windows.
cheney has provided me with endless hours of entertainment.
He doesn’t hunt, he murders trained animals. The problem he had in Texas was that the quail weren’t well enough trained.
it’s probably too much to hope for, but one of the [admittedly less-important and less-likely] casualties of switching to ethanol: deer corn.
That practice is considered unethical among real hunters, and it creates a problem for farmers.
“He doesn’t hunt, he murders trained animals. The problem he had in Texas was that the quail weren’t well enough trained.” – Bryan
Neither, apparently, was the lawyer.
I don’t know, Steve, he apologized for getting shot in the face – that’s fairly well trained.