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Fairly Unbalanced Media — Why Now?
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Fairly Unbalanced Media

Millions of people in the streets protesting the possibility of the Iraq War doesn’t even get a yawn from the media.

For a week solid they have been covering the few dozen people protesting a commencement address by the President at a Catholic university best known for its sports teams. He’s going to receive an honorary degree which is a pretty cheap price for all of the media attention.

You would have thought it was a missing blond teenage girl, or the arrest of a celebrity for DWI [extra coverage for blond female celebrities arrested for DWI].

And these people have the gall to blame the ‘Net for their declining revenues.


1 Comrade Kevin { 05.17.09 at 5:51 pm }

Of course not, because it’s not news if the mainstream media doesn’t report on it. And if it doesn’t serve their own agenda, then it’s certainly not news.

Comrade Kevin´s last blog post..GOP Survey "Questions"

2 Bryan { 05.17.09 at 8:02 pm }

I still can’t figure out why there is so much coverage of the Catholic Church, especially the right wing of the Church. Where is the hue and cry to know about this?

3 hipparchia { 05.17.09 at 9:10 pm }

And these people have the gall to blame the ‘Net for their declining revenues.

well, i’d have said it was more stupidity than gall. they really do not seem to understand what their [former] audience wants. although, i suppose it’s equally likely that they really don’t care.

hipparchia´s last blog post..

4 Bryan { 05.17.09 at 9:29 pm }

Look at my local community. All of this stuff came to light at once because people started taking a look at what local pols were up to. The Sheriff had been working his scam for a decade.

The Local Puppy Trainer started looking at things, like a local newspaper is supposed to do, and it found all kinds of problems.

Guess what – people started buying the paper to find out what was going on.

If you cover the real news, people will pay to read it, and you will make a profit. That’s the way it has always been.