The Season Line-Up
The Hurricane Season officially starts on Monday, June 1st, but we’ve already had a preview this week.
Initially storms are called an “Invest” with a number in the range of 90 to 99 followed by a letter suffix, L for an Atlantic storm and E for an Eastern Pacific storm. When they reach 99, they go back to 90.
When they graduate after developing tropical characteristics, they are called Tropical Depressions, which are numbered beginning at 1 every season.
If the circulation spins up and winds increase, they become Tropical Storms and are given a name from a pre-approved list for the season. These are the names for this year’s storms:
Ana Bill Claudette Danny Erika Fred Grace |
Henri Ida Joaquin Kate Larry Mindy Nicholas |
Odette Peter Rose Sam Teresa Victor Wanda |
If the list runs out, later storms are designated using the Greek alphabet, i.e. Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, as happened in 2005 when we got to Tropical Storm Zeta.
The constant wind speed is the biggest determinate as to whether an individual system is called a storm or a hurricane, and if a hurricane, its category.
We no longer have fire “seasons”…it’s just one big year long invitation for nature’s bbq.
Drought does that.
We have all of those goat herders locked up for nothing in Guantanamo, and a need to clear brush in the West, so why don’t we get them some goats and turn them loose?
Because America is no longer the land of the brave…it’s land of the NIMBYs
“oh..oh..those bad people…they will cause my home’s worth to decrease…they’ll mess up my garden…they’ll block my view…they’ll get cars and make more traffic…” (snark thoroughly implanted.)
Well, they have a point, Jill – look what happened when the Native Americans let the Euro-trash in… 😈