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Kids These Days — Why Now?
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Kids These Days

Maru, among others, posts on the Faux fascination with a DKos “Flame War”.

Flame War? The server still responds. That’s a “spark spat” not a FLAME WAR!!!

On the news groups an “all out, Godwin-inducing, your Momma, flame war” crashed servers, brought the backbone to a crawl, and had people standing by the router cabinet with a CO2 fire extinguisher to keep it from melting. You had people adding memory and writing code to try to keep their mailboxes empty. You had university payrolls running late because of the overload on the system. Fuses would blow, circuit breakers would snap, and the discs in electric meters would “Frisbee” away.

What wimps.


1 Lab Kat { 07.13.06 at 4:41 pm }

Wow, did I miss something?

2 Bryan { 07.13.06 at 4:53 pm }

No. If you go over to Kos you won’t know this “flame war” is going on unless you go looking for it. I wish people would learn what terms mean before they use them.

Apparently there is a very active thread on one of the diaries, and, at times, the comments have a dairy-air about them. It has the passion and excitement of a PC v. Mac thread. Faux News is trying to make something out of it, because, apparently, they have never seen a comment thread before.

3 Steve Bates { 07.14.06 at 1:29 am }

the comments have a dairy-air about them.

That reminds me of the old Prairie Home Companion bumper sticker some 20+ years ago that listed (as best I remember) the call sign of a Wisconsin radio station that carried the show, followed by the description, “Wisconsin’s Dairy Air.”

They don’t make flame wars like they used to. These days, there are too many good Godwin-fearing people out there to have a real, old-fashioned flame war. I can’t say I’m sorry about that; I don’t miss ’em.

4 Bryan { 07.14.06 at 10:22 am }

In the era of 10 and 20 megabyte hard disks and 300 to 9600 baud modems, life got “very interesting” when a “war” was set off. They were the genesis of spam filters and a lot of blocking technology.