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Panhandle Ignored, As Usual — Why Now?
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Panhandle Ignored, As Usual

CBS is reporting that the Senate has compromised on Gulf drilling. The compromise is to put all of the drilling rigs off the coast on the western end of the Panhandle in Area 181.

It’s okay, the people in the western Panhandle vote Republican, so they won’t mind if their tourism is screwed and the military operations have to move elsewhere, because this is for the good of oil companies.

Florida Senator Mel Martinez, the choice of the “Big Oil” White House, crafted this “compromise” to the coasts of the Eastern Time Zone. John Ellis can’t run again, so he doesn’t care.

That 125-mile zone they keep talking about is 125 miles off the coast of the Peninsula, not the coast of the state. Look at the map in the article.


1 Jack K. { 07.13.06 at 9:42 am }

…Domenici’a comments are a gem, aren’t they? ‘Nelson has reservations? Too bad; we’ve got the votes!’

…if I were Nelson, I would introduce a bill every single day designating a gravel pit on the outskirts of Albuquerque as the Federal Nuclear Waste Repository…

2 Bryan { 07.13.06 at 10:10 am }

Domenici is just one of many people who complain about what the Federal government does to them, but has no problem imposing Federal solutions on other states. New Mexico has already picked up one of the Special Operations Wings from a local base, and is angling for more of out military.