Because the Shrubbery wants to bury the news and Echidne of the Snakes asked people to post it:
On Friday the Department of Education released a report showing that private schools are no more successful than public schools when it comes to teaching children.
The New York Times report mentions that the there was no effort to publicize the information by the Department of Education.
I’m too sleepy to work HaloScan’s cumbersome trackback feature at the moment, but I posted a followup on your and Echidne’s posts, adding some details from Texas Freedom Network about charter schools in Texas. The short version: compared to public schools, on the average, they’re pretty bad, and the Shrubbery has ample reason to be embarrassed and hide these results as much as possible.
Charter schools have a very mixed record in Florida. Some have seemingly been pretty good schools, but others have been scams from the start. I say seemingly, because the legislature refuses to allow any oversight, even though tax money is involved. They are exempt from the testing and financial disclosure of the public school system.