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Just in time for Nodwish™ — Why Now?
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Just in time for Nodwish™

If you feel the need for a stainless steel colander, but fear it will clash with your wardrobe, Jersey Cynic of Blonde Sense has found the answer: a collection of shielded clothing.

I have to wonder what this stuff will look like if you go through the new TSA x-ray scanner. I think you can expect to be added to the no fly list.


1 Steve Bates { 12.04.06 at 12:20 am }

Given the weather here lately, and the fact that I almost always keep a bunch of bananas on hand, I wouldn’t mind being added to the no-fly list…

2 Bryan { 12.04.06 at 2:24 pm }

My comments are destined to become the graveyard of bad humor.