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The Importance of the ISG Report — Why Now?
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The Importance of the ISG Report

According to E.J. Dionne on NPR, the fact that this report came out before the Democrats had control of anything means the mess belongs to the Republicans.

David Brooks talked about people being upset by “political bickering,” ignoring the fact that the Republicans have been in charge, and the Democrats haven’t been able to do much of anything, so the only “bickering” that was even noticed was among the Republicans.

Apparently the Israeli government doesn’t want to talk to anyone, nor do the Kurds.

I think they need to take Mark Fiore’s Remedial Iraq Study Group course.

After the joint press conference today the BBC’s Nick Robinson was a bit nervous:

WASHINGTON DC: I’ve just been eyeballed long and hard by George Bush for suggesting he might be in denial re Iraq. It’s important, he told me, that you understand that I understand that it’s bad.

Commentors told Nick to expect extra scrutiny at the airport when he comes back to Britain. [Yes, some BBC personnel have official weblogs with comments.]


1 Steve Bates { 12.08.06 at 12:37 am }

A party that literally omits the opposition from the decision-making process, not bothering to allow participation let alone debate, cannot expect any sympathy when the decisions they make go disastrously wrong. Where there is no opposition participation permitted, there is nothing that a rational person could call “bickering.” David Brooks is not… oh, never mind.

Fiore is a genius. Enough said.

Nick Robinson will indeed be scrutinized… scrutinized to the wall. These days, Britain seems at least as enthusiastic about perpetrating civil liberties violations as America is.

2 Bryan { 12.08.06 at 11:04 am }

I think the British are tiring of this as are Americans, and the Labour Party seems to be less tolerant of their “Great Leader” than the Republicans. This is sped up by a media that is less cowed than the US media. Bush should know better than take questions from the foreign media.