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How Cold Was It? — Why Now?
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How Cold Was It?

Cold Cat Blogging

Dot’s solution to 23°, the second lowest temperature ever recorded locally for a day in December.


1 Steve Bates { 12.10.06 at 1:38 am }

Trust a cat to find the warmest spot. It has warmed up a bit here, and never got below about 31°F, but Stella’s cats (especially Tabitha) still want to be held close… a sure sign that they know how chilly it is outside.

2 Bryan { 12.10.06 at 10:02 am }

The wind swung around last night, so we are again benefiting from all of the warm water in the Gulf. I can’t complain too much because the conditions that bring in this cold weather also keep the hurricanes away.

3 oldwhitelady { 12.13.06 at 9:45 pm }

Dot’s pretty smart! When it’s cold outside, no matter how warm inside, it still seems like blanket time.

4 Bryan { 12.13.06 at 10:51 pm }

She burrows right in, and will stay for hours.