Until further notice you can find Duncan / Atrios / Eschaton at
Apparently the plan to update a major blog to the Beta model didn’t work quite as easily as the techs at Blogger assumed.
Terry at Nitpicker provided the link.
…that was my guess, too, although the Blogger discussion forum has a number of disgruntled bloggers of lesser stature who have been down for hours and hours. I’m either a lucky recipient of the early-bird special or a really small fish, because when I converted several weeks ago it actually only took minutes…
It depends on site size and server loads when the conversion takes place. I would have probably converted a blog like Eschaton off-line to save overhead and deal with problems.
I think one of the problems could be link conversion, especially links to earlier posts in the same blog.
I converted my YDD Annex, a Blogger blog, to beta about a week ago so I could post a comment on ellroon’s site. Blogger just wouldn’t accept my old-Blogger login to post the comment, and I realized the futility of fighting a battle certain to be lost within a month or so in any case. (I’ll leave the fighting of futile battles to Dubya. Actually, I wish we could leave it to him, and bring everyone else home.)
Since I converted, I have been confronted with no fewer than three different comment interfaces on various old-Blogger and Blogger-beta blogs in the span of less than a week. The saved-cookie login doesn’t seem to preserve for more than a half day or so. I can understand that one from my own experience; it takes more than a little thought to avoid cross-version cookie catastrophes. But when I heard Eschaton was down, I began to think perhaps it is best for me simply to avoid Blogger blogs for a week or so until Google gets its act together.
What do I get for switching to Google/Blogger beta? If I may drop a hint, my toaster oven is almost 40 years old…
Unless you are huge and arrogant you don’t upgrade a major system without backward compatibility because the possibility of everyone upgrading within a short period, even without any problems, is in the same area of fantasy as Rush Limbaugh becoming Hillary Clinton’s media spokesweasal.