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Happy Solstice — Why Now?
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Happy Solstice

At 6:22PM CST the winter solstice occurred marking the longest night of the year. If everyone has been good, the days start getting longer tomorrow. Locally, the sun rose at 6:39AM and set at 4:50PM for a total of 10 hours and 10 minutes [the seconds work against that extra minute] of daylight, but tomorrow will be a whole second longer.

This also marks HogWatch, so don’t forget to put out the turnips.


1 Michael { 12.21.06 at 8:32 pm }

Well, our preznit has been pretty bad, and so have an awful lot of people who work for him. Does that mean we’re not going to enjoy longer days starting tomorrow?

2 Bryan { 12.21.06 at 11:30 pm }

I think his name, and the names of his cronies have been on the “Naughty” list so long they were transferred to the carved tablets as incorrigibles and therefore not part of the annual census.

Looks like you guys are going to get rain, instead of snow from this front. The snow would have been nice for Christmas.

3 Michael { 12.22.06 at 7:48 am }

It’s 50 °F and raining right now, with heavy fog. That’s the story, weather-wise, for today (and we may get thunderstorms this afternoon). However, there is at least a slight possibility that we might get some snow on Christmas Day proper. You’d have thought that 13 inches we got a couple of weeks ago would have lasted us well into January, but the rain and the warm weather we’ve been having made pretty quick work of it.

4 Bryan { 12.22.06 at 10:22 am }

It’s not the way I remember the weather from my year that IU in Bloomington, IN, but that was 41 years ago.