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2009 November 01 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Wow, Someone Is Annoyed

From CNN’s Ticker: GOP nominee endorses Democrat

(CNN) – The Republican Party nominee in this week’s special congressional election in New York endorsed her Democratic opponent Sunday, one day after releasing supporters from their commitment to support her, the Watertown Daily Times reported on its Web site.

New York Assemblywoman Dede Scozzafava said she was backing Democrat Bill Owens over Conservative Party candidate Doug Hoffman in the special election for ex-GOP Rep. John McHugh’ seat in this northern New York congressional district. McHugh resigned to become Secretary of the Army.

One of the things people don’t realize is that Doug Hoffman doesn’t actually live in the district. He lives and has a business in Lake Placid, which is in the 20th district. That was probably a major factor in his not being selected as the Republican candidate along with the fact that he has never been elected to office. Ms Scozzafava not only lives in the district, she has won election to the state legislature from within the district. She was the better candidate, and shares the political views of John McHugh.

If I were the local Democratic Party chair in her county, I would certainly make her aware that the welcome mat was out. If I were the Republican chair, I would be worried.

November 1, 2009   4 Comments

So You Want To Be A Pundit

This Tuesday the pundits will be watching the governor’s races in New Jersey and Virginia, as well as the special Congressional election in New York. If you want to be a media pundit here’s how you respond to the results:

Democratic win: “The race was decided on local issues.”

Democratic loss: “This was obviously a referendum on the Obama administration.”

Looking at the governors’ races I think I could have come up with four better candidates at a homeless shelter, or from among WalMart greeters. The process for selecting candidates has obviously bottomed out. Next time the “party leaders” should look behind cash registers at convenience stores – those people have a better command of English, a better feel for the economic reality, and they can accurately count money. Try the late shift if you are looking for someone who will be tough on crime. 😈

November 1, 2009   3 Comments

You’re Early

Daylight Savings Time

Turn back your clocks and check the batteries in your smoke detectors.

November 1, 2009   7 Comments