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Finding Excuses — Why Now?
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Finding Excuses

One might say that Whiskey Fire started this by saying that there was no reason to have Jose Padilla wear black-out goggles when he was removed from his cell for a dental appointment.

The response by Ann Althouse led to a post by Ann Altmouse, and then NTodd and Watertiger joined in the silliness.

Glenn Greenwald, who has been trying to be an adult about the “Ann Althouse enigma,” finally realized the futility in Today’s tour around the world of the Bush follower:

(2) Ann Althouse yesterday: “calling your opponent stupid is incredibly lame… an admission that you have no substance.”

Ann Althouse last week: “Glenn Greenwald is such an idiot. Am I supposed to respond to this foolishness? Glenn, you moron . . . , you disreputable slimeball? (And your writing is putrid.)”

Obviously, the interesting point here is not Ann Althouse. By itself, her observation yesterday that the treatment of Jose Padilla may have been justified by a fear that he would use his eyes to blink “coded messages” to The Terrorists says all that needs to be said about her, ever.

Let’s see, Padilla was being held in solitary confinement in a military brig with no outside contact and was being taken to a military dentist, so the obvious question to the suggestion of blinking to send a message would be: How would “terrorists” be in a position to see any message?


1 ellroon { 12.07.06 at 10:20 am }

Apparently Padilla is so evil that his eyes are lasers!

To see someone be reduced to insanity by our hands is horrifying. To have people supporting this action is staggering. Did America always have these idiots, or did we put something in the water?

2 Bryan { 12.07.06 at 12:23 pm }

They have committed so much of their souls to the support of the Shrubbery that they will go to any lengths to create a justification for what he does. If Bush is shown to be a sociopathic moron, they are faced with having backed his brutality for no good reason.