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Cold2 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Another record cold day down here and I have a head cold that is not helping me deal with it. Tomorrow will also be cold, so we can hope that fleas and other pests will die outside.


1 Steve Bates { 12.08.06 at 10:59 pm }

To health with you, Bryan, and quickly!

I haven’t had the worst of “the cold” that’s been going around lately, only an exhausted, yucky feeling that I try to ignore. And the temperature outside only barely touches freezing at night. So I haven’t experienced Cold2, and I have to go to the freezer if I want an Ice3.

2 Steve Bates { 12.08.06 at 11:00 pm }

(Well, I guess the SUP tag doesn’t work in comments.)

3 Bryan { 12.09.06 at 5:15 pm }

They don’t so you need to know about the extended character set to produce Cold² or Ice³ although you can only do it with 1, 2, or 3.

Ampersand sup1 semicolon, is the form.