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A Bad Idea — Why Now?
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A Bad Idea

The practice of inserting advertisements on stories at news sites using computer algorithms is frequently not a good idea.

The headline: Texas family of 4 dies in plane crash.

The ad: ORBITZ: Texas Family Vacation.


1 Lab Kat { 12.18.06 at 9:37 pm }

Perhaps it’s just me, but that is the funniest thing I’ve read all day.

‘Course, there are many who question my sense of humor about these things.

2 Bryan { 12.18.06 at 10:34 pm }

Welcome back to the fray, LK, I’ve missed the kitties. There’s nothing wrong with seeing the absurdity of life in this country.

3 Mustang Bobby { 12.19.06 at 7:04 am }

Correct me if I’m wrong, but I seem to remember seeing something about ads on newsites taking their cue from keywords in the articles or the search parameters (including the searcher) pulled up and putting in an ad that might match; I notice that when I go to some sites I get ads for Mustangs and Ford products. If so, I think they just found a flaw in that plan.

And I agree with LK. It’s too funny.

4 Bryan { 12.19.06 at 8:54 am }

That’s it, Bobby, it’s a simple minded word match without context.

5 Anya { 12.20.06 at 7:57 am }

Google’s AdSense is still putting adverts for John McCain’s presidential exploratory committee on MY website.

::rolls eyes::

Good grief, Charlie Brown…

6 Bryan { 12.20.06 at 12:58 pm }

Someone had an ad for Olive Garden on the article about the 250 people who got sick eating there. It’s a poor implementation because the match is too simple. They should at least check for key words like “dead”, “sick”, and “indictment” before linking.