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Happy Festivus — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Happy Festivus

Yes, today is the celebration of the very untraditional Festivus.

If you celebrate I hope all of your grievances were aired and the airing did not involve the Festivus pole being used in an inappropriate fashion.


1 Comrade Kevin { 12.23.08 at 11:02 am }

Happy Generic Winter Holiday to you too!

2 Bryan { 12.23.08 at 12:00 pm }

I’m a committed respecter of the NODWISH group to avoid having to balance the various and sundry celebrations among the factions in my family, and among friends.

3 jams O\\\'Donnell { 12.23.08 at 12:53 pm }

Happy Festivus and a very happy Non Demnominastional Winter Solstice Holiday to you Bryan

4 cookie jill { 12.23.08 at 1:31 pm }

If it involves great food, I’ll celebrate pretty much anything.

5 Badux { 12.23.08 at 3:00 pm }

We are bloggers. Of *course* all our grievances are aired 😉 .

– Badtux the Grievance-airin’ Penguin

6 Bryan { 12.23.08 at 5:21 pm }

Jams, I actually prefer Hogwatch, but no one would appreciate it if I bent the space-time continuum to the extent necessary. People just don’t like change, like a different universe.

In the South, Jill, it is baking time, as it is cool enough to enjoy a hot kitchen. It is also prime time for harvested pumpkin, apples, and cherries in the Northeast.

Being posted doesn’t always mean they are “aired”, only that they have been put in a different medium. Anymore you just about have to destroy something to get anything aired, which is pretty dangerous. Not as dangerous as messing with the essential fabric of the universe, but still…

7 Moi { 12.23.08 at 7:50 pm }

I can never get past the feats of strength. :::sigh:::

8 Bryan { 12.23.08 at 9:01 pm }

Feats? I thought it was feet.