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Treating Terrorists as Criminals — Why Now?
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Treating Terrorists as Criminals


Canadian Broadcasting has an update on the arrest of 17 people, 12 adults and 5 juveniles, in the plot to bomb targets in and around Toronto. They also have a background article on the plot. Six of those arrested will face explosive charges in the alleged plot.

Before anyone asks, yes, “everything changed” in Canada after 9/11: the police can now hold suspects for 72 hours before charges have to be filed.

The Royal Canadian Mounted Police executed warrants that were based on the intelligence and evidence gathered by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and their own officers.

The Canadians have evidence, warrants, all that old fashioned police stuff, and they are taking people to court for trials. This is possible because they didn’t violate anyone civil rights. This is how it’s done in civilized countries that believe in the rule of law.


1 oldwhitelady { 06.06.06 at 7:23 pm }

They had warrants, intelligence, and evidence gathered by their officers. Is that the way it’s supposed to be done? How refreshing!

2 Bryan { 06.06.06 at 8:15 pm }

Now they can go to court and prove that these people did something. You don’t have to take the politicians’ word for it; it will be proved in a trial.

3 Keith { 06.08.06 at 7:37 pm }

It was refrshing to hear about this case, moslty because no one died. They didn’t make any martyrs by going all Waco or Ruby Ridge; they simply followed the intelligence gatehred, issued warrents, set up a sting and caugh the suspects. Which is exactly what should have happened here in the US in late August of 2001 but didin’t because the FBI didn’t want to share their toys with the FAA or the local police. Frickin’ amazing.

4 Bryan { 06.08.06 at 7:58 pm }

This is how we did things in this country, once upon a time. This is how you get bad people off the street without anyone dying. Because Canadian Muslims felt that the law would be used, they tipped off the police. In the US I’m not sure that would happen because people would fear overreaction.

I would hope people notice that these were domestic terrorists working with a small budget. The US doesn’t seem to be paying much attention to domestic terrorists, even when they are caught with machine guns and poisons.

5 The Invisible Library » Blog Archive » One More Thing Canadians Do better Than US { 06.09.06 at 5:02 pm }

[…] Bryan sums up my feelings on the Canadian terror suspects arrested the other day: Canadian Broadcasting has an update on the arrest of 17 people, 12 adults and 5 juveniles, in the plot to bomb targets in and around Toronto. They also have a background article on the plot. Six of those arrested will face explosive charges in the alleged plot. […]