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Grandpuppy Blogging — Why Now?
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Grandpuppy Blogging

Andante started with the adventures of Pippin the Chihuahua, but now Karen has Poe the long-hair dachshund.

Note: puppy blogging is only a substitute for cat blogging when there is no other alternative.


1 oldwhitelady { 06.24.06 at 8:35 pm }

Like as in, perhaps they need a cat? 🙂

2 Bryan { 06.24.06 at 9:15 pm }

In my situation I couldn’t advocate puppy blogging without a disclaimer.

3 andante { 06.25.06 at 8:58 am }

Next up – goldfish blogging.

4 Bryan { 06.25.06 at 12:25 pm }

Why not? In California I had Old Yeller and Big Red who were very happy to swim around in their dinky tank, and I have already posted a couple of shots of the goldfish in my Mother’s water garden.

5 andante { 06.25.06 at 6:00 pm }

I actually tried taking a few shots, but there is a big, glaring spot from the tank. Any suggestions? My camera will work on ‘automatic” or manual.

6 Bryan { 06.25.06 at 7:19 pm }

You can try manual, but you’ll need a lot of light to get a decent shot and should rest the camera on something so that it doesn’t move. The other thing you can try is shoot at angle rather than straight on the tank, which should deflect the light away from the lens. Try taking a picture at about 45° to the glass. It will distort the fish some, but you might be able to see them.

7 Steve Bates { 06.26.06 at 12:25 am }

Next up – goldfish blogging. – andante

Oh no! Stella just got herself a betta. And the first one of you who asks “a betta what?” gets a focus beam right in the eye… She hasn’t named it yet; I’ve teased her that she’s waiting to see whether it lives three days before naming it.

I’ve tried taking a pic of a huge aquarium at a local Middle Eastern buffet (what’s with that, anyway?) and have not had much luck at any angle or flash (or lack of same). If you discover some wonderful trick for typical low-end digital toy cameras, let us all know, please.

As to critter blogging… everyone needs a cat or two (or 20, in Bryan’s case), or access to cats. Keeping one’s perspective depends on living in the presence of cats.

8 andante { 06.26.06 at 8:00 am }

I actually got some decent aquarium shots; may or may not post them someday. My little camera is a Kodak ‘Easy Share’ Z730…I have no clue how to use the manual settings (that’s my daughter’s area of expertise and she can have it), but there is an automatic setting for use ‘when flash is not desired’. I used that setting and took the pictures at an angle. No glare, at least.

Steve, I always suspect restaurant aquariums are for picking out your dinner. Aquariums in medical or dental offices scare me…they say to me “No need to be nervous….BWAAHAHAH!”

9 Karen { 06.26.06 at 3:08 pm }

Well, I’ve had the Chin-Ho Chinchilla post before and the Fish…

…but too allergic to ’em own another cat. And my cat was called “Misery Loves Company” precisely because she made me MISERABLE (Achoo! *sniff* *watery-eyes*) but she LOVED my company (as I loved hers. *smile*)

10 Bryan { 06.26.06 at 4:29 pm }

Karen, a Sphinx would take care of the allergy thing, but a hairless cat is too freaky for me. Oh, I did box turtle blogging in addition to the fish. If I buy a better camera I might try for the birds.

Grandpuppies are fine with me, although my roomies may not be fans. If you don’t own dachshunds you have to worry about badgers sneaking into the house.