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History Lessons — Why Now?
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History Lessons

Over at Glenn Greenwald’s place, Barbara O’Brien reminds everyone why the world was so certain that Saddam had WMDs: because Reagan and Bush I gave them to him. Yep, when Donnie Rumsfeld met with Saddam he had more than a pair of golden spurs in his saddlebags.

Tbogg has a nice little find from December 4, 2001: Treasury official Jimmy Gurule explaining how the Bush administration tracks financial transactions that benefit terrorists.


1 Steve Bates { 06.27.06 at 1:24 pm }

I remember years ago, when everyone was “certain” that Saddam had WMD, a line from political comedian Mark Russell: “We know Saddam has WMD. We have the receipts.”

If the ‘publicans continue, against all common sense, to run on the war, how about a lefty blogswarm of those photos of Rummy shaking hands with Saddam? Can’t hurt; might help.

2 Bryan { 06.27.06 at 3:04 pm }

The people who would change their mind, have. The MSM needs to get involved so that people realize what a pack of liars the Republicans are.