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Tropical Storm Chris — Why Now?
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Tropical Storm Chris

The third named storm, Tropical Storm Chris popped up over night.

The conditions are not good for a lot of strengthening, but conditions change.

It could make the southern coast of Florida nervous over the weekend.


1 Steve Bates { 08.01.06 at 10:47 pm }

It does look like Chris may head your way… and after that, who knows, maybe my way as well. If it does come your way, may Chris be kind to you. Let’s hope this is an easy one; I’m in no mental condition to face a serious storm. I am prepared, however, to the extent one can without obsessing on storms every minute of every day. I have something else to obsess on these days.

2 Bryan { 08.01.06 at 11:33 pm }

Keep an eye on it, Steve. It’s getting a bit stronger and might slide through the gap between Cube and the Keys.