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Bloggy Whether — Why Now?
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Bloggy Whether

Atrios noticed that since the last Microsoft patch Firefox hasn’t been seeing updates on BlogSpot sites, you have to hit the reload button. It seems to have gotten better today, but if you are using Firefox you might want to hit reload when visiting Blogger sites.

The marsupial master of minuscule is a bit annoyed about his lack of mention regarding the l’affaire chuck roberts. skippy spent the time to accumulate the sponsors for the Robert’s segment of Headline News, but when the resolution came and kudos were handed out, the “big guys” forgot their “little buddy”.


1 Jack K. { 08.17.06 at 9:38 am }

Oddly, it has been almost exclusively Atrios’ site on which I’ve had that problem for the last couple of weeks, which left me wondering at first why he hadn’t posted for 3 days….and it wasn’t happening all the time (I’ve foresaken all hope of ever really figuring out how these internets tubes work). I sort of stumbled onto the “reload” thing by accident last week, but I figured it was something screwed up in my setup that was causing the problem…

2 Bryan { 08.17.06 at 10:59 am }

I think it’s related to specific Blogger templates. There are certain things that a browser looks at to determine if it needs to reload a page or use the cache, and I think that the older templates aren’t updating the “clue list” when they post.

I have the most current version of Firefox, but it wasn’t until after I did my recent download of Microsoft updates that it became a problem.

3 Karen { 08.17.06 at 2:31 pm }

Hmm…I just restored my system to an earlier (non-updated – date in time)…as IF with how bizee I’ve been…I’ve had time to MESS wiht their crappy updates problems hanging me in Firefox Browser. Blech. Maybe next week’s updated will FIX these crappy updates!


4 Bryan { 08.17.06 at 2:39 pm }

There was once a process called “testing”, I think, that took place before software was given to users, but that is apparently no longer part of “software engineering” or whatever they call coding these days.