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Hurricane Ernesto — Why Now?
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Hurricane Ernesto

The first hurricane of the season is doing a number on Haiti this morning and then will mug Cuba. The passage over Cuba will weaken the storm, but it will have plenty of warm water to help it recover strength once it enters the Gulf.

The current track has it going over the lower Keys and then cruising up the western Gulf coast of the Florida peninsula before turning inland to pass into the Atlantic around Jacksonville.

It looks like the people still in FEMA trailers from Charley in 2004 are going to get hit again.


1 GhostOrleans { 08.27.06 at 11:32 am }

Bush is travelling to New Orleans this week. So, it’ll be like the meeting with Kofi just before the Tsunami(Australia bought the missiles and increased their waters).

‘The show’ is that it’s a deal with Lucifer for no hurricanes…………..

Sorry, too much fun!

2 Karen { 08.28.06 at 12:06 pm }

Yikes…and there were a few interesting bits yesterday that “Rocky’s” trailer was NO FEMA trailer!

What fakery WILL Repiglicans think of NEXT?

3 Bryan { 08.28.06 at 12:41 pm }

You move a FEMA trailer and you will be arrested – it is Federal property.

Corporations may get away with stealing millions from the government, but individuals get arrested and prosecuted.