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2010 March 08 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Visit Florida For Spring Break

You could come down and get rowdy, and drink yourself stupid, or you could take advantage of an opportunity to make some money while helping the environment.

The state is just opened an invasive species hunt in the Everglades from today until to April 17.

For a $26 permit you get to take all of the Burmese, Indian, and African rock pythons, green anacondas, and Nile monitor lizards you can find. Local tanners pay between $5 to $10 per foot for the skins, so a single green anaconda could bring in up to $200 [or more in a few cases].

Just think, you could be supplying the leather for Paris Hilton’s next pair of Pradas.

Sure, some of the these reptiles can kill and eat you, but that’s why the state wants them gone.

March 8, 2010   8 Comments

Iditarod – Day 3

Iditarod map even yearsThe leaders are beyond Rainy Pass and everyone is beyond Skwentna. Next up is the descent to Rohn and then the stumps and moose on the Burn into Nikolai. The most current standings [11:30PM CST] are:

At Rohn
1 Sebastian Schnuelle (35)
2 John Baker (8)

Beyond Rainy Pass
3 Warren Palfrey (27)
4 Ray Redington, Jr (9)
5 Zack Steer (47)
6 Paul Gebhardt (7)
7 Sven Haltmann (42)
8 Hugh Neff (56)
9 Jeff King (15)
10 Mitch Seavey (41)
11 William “Middie” Johnson (16)R
12 Hans Gatt (20)
13 Gerry Willomitzer (55)
14 Lance Mackey (49)
15 Cim Smyth (3)
16 Linwood Fiedler (2)
17 Aliy Zirkle (50)
18 Ryan Redington (25)
19 Martin Buser (37)
20 Dallas Seavey (19)
21 Jessie Royer (6)
22 Ken Anderson (51)
23 Sonny Lindner (44)
24 Thomas Lesatz (62)
25 Jim Lanier (43)


March 8, 2010   5 Comments