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2010 March 13 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Iditarod – Day 8

Iditarod map even yearsThe field is shrinking. Linwood Fiedler (2) scratched at McGrath with 11 unhappy dogs. They just didn’t want to continue, so there was no point.

Tom Thurston (68) made it to Ophir with 9 dogs left but they weren’t happy puppies, so he scratched and went back to McGrath where there is a good road to load them on his truck.

Karen Ramstead (29) scratched at McGrath with 14 happy purebred Siberian Huskies, that are considered the best looking team on the trail, for personal reasons.

Rookie Justin Savidis (10) had a 3-year dog, White, slip his harness between McGrath and Nikolai on March 10, and can’t go on until the dog is located. There is a search underway, but it looks like Justin’s Iditarod is probably over. He assumes that the wheel dog got spooked by something, because he is normally a happy, friendly dog.

Beyond Kaltag
1 Lance Mackey (49)
2 Hans Gatt (20)
3 Jeff King (15)
4 Hugh Neff (56)


March 13, 2010   3 Comments

Does anyone really know what time it is?

The Persistence of Memory by Salvador Dali

It’s not just a musical question .

You will, of course, remember to “spring ahead” Sunday morning at 2AM [it instantly becomes 3AM] in the process to see how many small children going to school can be run over by sleepy motorists in the dark who realized they are an hour late.

The invention of the clock was obviously the first step towards fascism.

March 13, 2010   10 Comments