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2010 March 09 — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Iditarod – Day 4

Iditarod map even yearsThe leading third are playing “pinball” on The Burn, second-growth forest from a major wildfire. The recent snow has helped to provide more cushions, but this is an area known for smashing sleds and mushers. The new growth also attracts moose, who are a danger to dogs and mushers as they will use the trail and often will rest on it. [Update 10:30PM CST]

Beyond Nikolai
1 Jeff King (15)
2 Sebastian Schnuelle (35)
3 John Baker (8)
4 Mitch Seavey (41)
5 Sven Haltmann (42)
6 Hugh Neff (56)
7 Gerry Willomitzer (55)
8 Lance Mackey (49)
9 Zack Steer (47)
10 Aliy Zirkle (50)
11 Dallas Seavey (19)
12 Paul Gebhardt (7)
13 Ray Redington, Jr (9)
14 Cim Smyth (3)
15 Sonny Lindner (44)
16 Ryan Redington (25)
17 Martin Buser (37)


March 9, 2010   7 Comments