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Hmmm — Why Now?
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I received a noticed that the Census Bureau will be sending out the forms in about a week. At the bottom of the notice they had instructions directing you to their ‘Net site, 2010census.gov, in six languages: English, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese, and Russian.

While that is an odd choice for the nation in general, it does reflect the languages used in this area. I wonder if people in other areas get different choices, i.e. Greek in Central Florida, Portuguese in Massachusetts, French along the border with Quebec and in major East Coast cities?

BTW, I’m dealing with the health care establishment locally, and am out and about most days. I’m keeping up with the race, but have little time to respond on other blogs.

When things let up, I want to write about the joys of electronic medical records and how they are actually being used, rather than how we are told they are being used to save money.


1 Kryten42 { 03.10.10 at 12:47 am }

Hmmm… Do you think they are organised enough to pick the major languages for an area? 😉

I know about busy lately also. You just do what you gotta do man! 🙂 😉

You certainly have no need to reply to every comment. I’ve said that before. 😉

Good luck! I understand your pain, unfortunately! *sigh*

2 hipparchia { 03.10.10 at 2:17 am }

russian? you’re getting your own personalized census form? 😈

While that is an odd choice for the nation in general, it does reflect the languages used in this area. I wonder if people in other areas get different choices, i.e. Greek in Central Florida, Portuguese in Massachusetts, French along the border with Quebec and in major East Coast cities?

when i was living in the new bedford area, i loved going into the stores that had signs in the window saying english spoken here. surely new bedford and environs would have portuguese.

When things let up, I want to write about the joys of electronic medical records and how they are actually be used, rather than how we are told they are being used to save money.

i look forward to this. meanwhile, i hope this involvement with them doesn’t mean bad news.

3 Anya { 03.10.10 at 10:26 am }

You would think that French would be a popular language in New Hamster, but alas, no. We get the same choice of languages up here.

On the other hand, we do have a healthy population of both Spanish speakers and Russian speakers.

On the third hand, I don’t see where they are offering any help to folks from various East African nations who have been settled in the Manchester area. Maybe they assume that refugees don’t have computers and won’t make use of a website.

4 Bryan { 03.10.10 at 11:19 am }

That’s what I’m wondering, Kryten, because the immigration and language patterns are not evenly spread out, and French is a major language in the third world, including Haiti, while Portuguese is the language of Brazil, and we had a lot of Brazilians in the area after Katrina.

Looks like, Anya, has the answer that these are the standard choices, probably based on immigration records, and the fact that Spanish is the first language of US citizens in Puerto Rico.

Yes, Anya, that was another reason I wondered about the lack of French, because it is such a common language in Africa, as well as the Caribbean and Canada.

Hipparchia, the key is who are the data being collected for within the facility. The basic answer is the accounting department, not the medical people. [It’s testing and rehab after a bad reaction to medication by by Mother.]

5 hipparchia { 03.10.10 at 2:23 pm }

The basic answer is the accounting department, not the medical people.

i have suspected this, in large part because of my own life-and-death encounters with bad reactions to medication, including one AFTER the information had been entered into my computerized ‘medical’ record. your mom has my sympathies and best wishes.

6 Bryan { 03.10.10 at 4:59 pm }

Ah, yes, the pharmacy, or as it is known in the hospital jargon, the most important secondary profit center, and by nurses as @$$#$#*&s!.

Medical personnel are data entry clerks and nothing more.

My mother had to wait for admission because no one had put her doctor’s name in the new system although he was an on-call specialist. GIGO.

7 hipparchia { 03.11.10 at 1:16 am }

nope, can’t blame any of mine on the pharmacy, and furthermore, gotta blame a coupla hospitals. the first time nobody knew, since i’d never had the drug [or any related drugs before] but guess what — the hospital never told me about the drug reaction i had while i was in their care. the next time [and it was years later] nobody knew, because the hospital never told me years before, but between me and a couple of drs, we got it figured out and definitely put into my records. the last time, thank goodness for the alert nurse [or tech, i forget which] who spotted the reaction before it got out of hand and stopped the iv right away.

My mother had to wait for admission because no one had put her doctor’s name in the new system although he was an on-call specialist.

good grief. things like this are why i wish we could just expand the vha to cover everyone. they’ve already got an emr system that’s been working reasonably well for years, designed by drs for drs, and it’s open source. if the govt owned all the hospitals, we could just make them all use vista [no not that vista, this vista].

Medical personnel are data entry clerks and nothing more.

sadly, this is too often true.

8 Bryan { 03.11.10 at 10:40 am }

Hospital pharmacies are different than regular pharmacies. The regular pharmacies that my Mother uses, KMart and Walgreens, won’t fill prescriptions for any of the drugs she has reactions to, and their programs are based on the underlying chemistry, not just trade names. Their programs have caught a couple of problems that were caused by generic substitution, i.e. she is allergic to the substitute, but not the brand name. The lady at KMart is not above suggesting alternatives, usually generics, when there is a problem.

The pharmacies in hospitals are working for the hospital, not the patient, and that isn’t a good situation.

The stupid bit with my Mother’s doctor is that he stopped by the hospital and actually did the admission exam. The nurses knew who he was and were shocked to find that he wasn’t in the main system, although he was in the ER system, and was doing calls at the hospital when my Mother went in. She went in at a time he specified because he was going to be at the hospital. Someone failed to check a box, and the system halted for two hours.

9 LadyMin { 03.12.10 at 12:02 am }

Same languages on my form here in Chicago. Not exactly the best six choices for this area. But then, I’m still wondering why I got a letter to tell me they would be sending a form next week instead of just sending the form.
.-= last blog ..First Robin =-.

10 Bryan { 03.12.10 at 12:07 am }

That definitely seems like a waste of time and money in an already expensive process, but this got started under the Hedgemony, so who knows?

I notice that Congress is trying to take action against people using bogus Census forms for fund-raising. That affects the Republicans more than anyone.

If we’re lucky, the Republicans will actually refuse to cooperate, and we can watch their power centers die off from a lack of Federal money for ten years.

11 Bryan { 03.12.10 at 12:09 am }

Oh, your robin was probably one of the rowdy crew who stopped by for their version of Spring Break and got drunk on the Camphor berries, like every year.

12 LadyMin { 03.14.10 at 3:23 am }

No doubt one of my robin’s relatives stopped to visit you. Do they fall out of the trees after consuming all those fermented berries?

The robins up here are rather lazy and probably only migrated as far south as necessary to find some live bugs.

13 Bryan { 03.14.10 at 9:17 pm }

They generally stagger around in large flocks and then fly over my Mother’s car. The ferals leave them alone because they don’t trust drunken birds and the robins make a lot of racket singing pub songs or whatever.