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Nice Hypocrisy — Why Now?
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Nice Hypocrisy

Richard Mauer of The Anchorage Daily News provides another example: Miller challenged Murkowski write-ins in wrong court, Alaska says

The state says that Republican U.S. Senate candidate Joe Miller has no business going into federal court now to challenge the counting of write-in ballots for his opponent and urged a federal judge to dismiss the case he filed this week.

State courts are the proper forum to interpret Alaska election law and the actions of state officials, Assistant Attorney General Margaret Paton Walsh said in her motion to dismiss. Until the Alaska Supreme Court has spoken, Miller has no legal basis to make a federal case out of the issue, she said.

As a candidate, one of Miller’s central messages was that the federal government has overreached into areas that should be run by the states, whether that was Social Security, health care, education or resource protection. Now the state says it is Miller who is overreaching by asking a federal court to interfere in what should be an Alaska affair.

It’s only an issue if other people do it, not if Tea Partiers do it. States only have rights if they agree with the prejudices of the Tea Party, not as a matter of any fundamental principle.

Miller’s representatives at the write-in count challenged a ballot that has the correct spelling of Lisa Murkowski, but the “L” was cursive, while the rest was block printed.