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Ockham Slashes Again — Why Now?
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Ockham Slashes Again

Having already expressed some doubts about Obama in Debunking the Reagan Myth on 21 January, 2008, Krugman decides that Obama has consumed the kool-aid in FDR, Reagan, and Obama.

His policy choices are not a matter of attempting to find a “bi-partisan solution”, Barack Obama is a true believer in the myth of Ronald Reagan.


1 Suzan { 11.22.10 at 7:30 am }

Thanks for putting this out there.

The question hanging over all of us now is:

“What are we going to do about it?”

The lazy answer is “nothing, just let the next two years progress with the gradual reality emerging that we have a choice between a Republican and a Rethuglican.”

I can’t see going down the path again.

The consequences are just too dire.

For the whole world.


2 Bryan { 11.22.10 at 11:40 am }

Suzan, he won’t resign, but the Republicans will trump up something to impeach him when they take over the House. The best you can expect is that he will realize that he has zero chance for re-election and announce that he isn’t running.

People need to stop attempting to “save” the Democratic Party and actually move to create a real left-wing party in the US. Something that looks to the future for answers, and cares about ensuring that there is a future.

The only “program” the Republicans have is to oppose the Democrats. They don’t want to govern, they just want power to pay-off their owners.