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A Little Justice — Why Now?
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A Little Justice

The Wen Ho Lee case has finally been settled with the media paying $750K and the Feds paying almost $900K for destroying the Doctor’s reputation and holding him in prison for 9 months.

I haven’t heard that the data analyst at the VA has been thrown into solitary confinement, nor branded a spy, for a more serious breach of data security than the Doctor.

The FBI has been out of control for a long time. Something needs to be done to convince them that they are supposed to be enforcing the laws, not breaking them.


1 oldwhitelady { 06.03.06 at 10:46 pm }

The government agencies did not admit that they had violated Lee’s privacy rights.!

2 Bryan { 06.04.06 at 12:18 am }

Right, they paid the money out of the goodness of their hearts.