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That Sneaky Commie — Why Now?
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That Sneaky Commie

Yes, that underhanded commie lover, Hugo Chavez, has hatched a truly despicable plot: Venezuela’s chocolate revolution.

That’s right he has stolen 10 million from the freedom loving oil companies and has used it to convince Venezuelan farmers to grow organic cocoa beans for world-class chocolatiers.

Is there any addiction he won’t feed?

This does justify his purchase of the Su-30s: to protect the cocoa fields.


1 The CultureGhost { 08.04.06 at 11:15 am }

Neat article. Thank you for finding it.

2 Bryan { 08.04.06 at 1:25 pm }

I don’t have a problem with chocolate, just so you know.

3 phinky { 08.05.06 at 6:47 pm }

Smart man to diversify Venezuela’s economy. If only Saudi Arabia did it. Did you know that Norway uses its oil profits to fund its social safety net? And Norway is one of the OECD’s most competitive economies.

4 Bryan { 08.05.06 at 7:49 pm }

He is a bit of a lunatic, but he grasps the reality that the oil won’t last forever and people should get something from it.

Their are people who get it and then their are the corporations.

Alaska has no taxes, funding everything from their oil revenues and giving the “excess” to residents. If they had invested in the state Ted Stevens wouldn’t be ripping off the rest of us for “bridges to nowhere.” Now that the oil is running out, Alaskans are in panic mode, which explains their supporting drilling in ANWR.