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Passing the Plate — Why Now?
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Passing the Plate

Florida License Plates

Florida Plate Blogging


Standard Florida Plate

A weekend feature of Why Now.


1 The CultureGhost { 09.03.06 at 2:33 pm }

Now, THAT’s a license plate.

2 Bryan { 09.03.06 at 2:58 pm }

I’m not even a quarter of the way through the Florida plates, but almost at the end of the special environmental plates.

I don’t understand why they picked that flower, either as the state wildflower, or for the plate, but that’s the legislature.

3 oldwhitelady { 09.03.06 at 11:29 pm }

The Florida plates are certainly interesting to look at!

4 Bryan { 09.03.06 at 11:45 pm }

OWL, I would hate to be a Florida cop and try to figure out what’s a legal plate.