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Blogiversary — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Elayne of Pen-Elayne celebrated her Fourth Blogiversary™ [Talk Left] by forgetting it until 10:28PM EDT last night. Go and congratulate the godmother of Silly Site of the Day™.


1 Elayne Riggs { 09.08.06 at 9:18 pm }

Thanks Bryan! Just goes to show you what being too tired to pre-plan anything will get ya. I think I made up for it today, though.

2 Bryan { 09.08.06 at 10:42 pm }

I’ve been to three Renaissance Fairs because a relative was a performer and asked me for help, so I know what a tiring event they can be, even when you’re young and foolish.

Glad I could recognize you achievement, although your silly sites due tend to cause me to waste time that I should be spending on other things.

3 Karen { 09.09.06 at 7:13 am }

Thanks for the notice…Had a Friday wedding to go to (that is becoming the MOST popular day of the week…and less costly TOO – so I hear). So my blog rounds were short or non-existent and still catching UP.


4 Bryan { 09.09.06 at 4:53 pm }

Glad I could help, and recognize one of the “old timers”.