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Another Meme — Why Now?
On-line Opinion Magazine…OK, it's a blog
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Another Meme

You can blame John McKay at archy for this.

Why do you blog?
The authorities frown on violent street protests and the computer requires air conditioning.

How long have you been blogging?
A year and 9 months.

Self Portrait?
See the top of the blog, that isn’t Brad Pitt up there.

Why do readers read your blog?
Because it’s presented in text format? Possibly because they think what I write strikes a chord.

What was the last search phrase someone used to get to your site?
Google sent someone looking for a picture of a rooster and CNN sent someone looking for the mayor who banned snowballs.

Which of your entries unjustly gets too little attention?

There is no realistic way of knowing. You can make assumptions based on which get comments, but that isn’t very accurate. A powerful post doesn’t necessarily invite comments, while the lighter posts generally do.

Your current favorite blog?
It doesn’t work that way. Blog for what? I have a blogroll for a reason.

What blog did you read most recently?

Yellow Doggerel Democrat

Which feeds do you subscribe to?
Usually I make my own with a cup and a half of rice, garlic powder, brewer’s yeast, multivitamins, vegetable oil, and then I add protein [ground beef, chicken livers, mackeral, etc.]. The feral cats seem to like it.

Oh, I read blogs, not feeds.

What four blogs are you tagging with this meme and why?
I am the Death of Memes. I don’t promulgate them.


1 Steve Bates { 09.11.06 at 1:41 am }

Wow. I am honored! The last blog you read? Just as long as mine is not the last blog you read (present tense)…

I read your blog in part because I always learn something… every time I visit. Thank you.

2 Karen { 09.11.06 at 6:58 am }

A year and 9 months…I could *swear* it was longer (in a good way). Or so it seems to ME ( and me). Was you starting about the time Len moved over to DBV then?

3 Bryan { 09.11.06 at 9:51 am }

Don’t get carried away, Steve. HaloScan was down for a bit, so I did the meme thing, but you generally blog late at night, like I do.

Karen, I was commenting for a while before I was blogging, and I used to harass Len on the old “Scrivener” blog before he changed it to DBV.

4 Moi ;) { 09.12.06 at 8:11 pm }

See, now, I thought that **was** Brad Pitt up there…..!

5 Bryan { 09.13.06 at 10:08 pm }

Yeah, right, Moi.