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Tribute — Why Now?
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In addition to his tribute to Donald Robson, Jams at The Poor Mouth provides a link to The 2996 Project, links to tributes to all 2996 victims of September 11th.


1 Steve Bates { 09.11.06 at 1:44 am }

My occasional commenter ReaganConservative participated in that project, and did a splendid, completely nonpolitical job of it, I might add. I wish I could participate, but the day itself is by now so polluted with inappropriate hype that the victims have largely been forgotten, and I simply refuse to partake of the hoopla. I’ll remember the victims in my own private way.

2 Bryan { 09.11.06 at 10:00 am }

I wish this could all be a tribute to those who died, but that’s expecting too much from politicians.

3 jamsodonnell { 09.11.06 at 2:43 pm }

Thanks for the link to my tribute. I chose to participate mainly because I knew one of the British victims.

4 Bryan { 09.11.06 at 3:01 pm }

There is a very old belief that no one is truly gone as long as one person remembers them.