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Creep Resigns — Why Now?
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Creep Resigns

You could read the Mark Foley Wikipedia entry or the CNN story, but Google’s sponsered link, Block Sexual Predators at www.mysafekeeper.com, provides the gist.

He was in the Republican leadership, came to Congress as part of Newt’s gang in 1994, was involved with the 2000 election in Florida, and is the lowest form of slime. While you are innocent until proven guilty, his IMs to a teenager are a conviction looking for a trial.

I would advise the former Congressman to look for a Federal deal, because he does not want to end up in a Florida state prison.

Under Florida law his name stays on the ballot, but the party can designate another candidate. You have to put your mark on his name, but the votes go to the designated Republican.

I think the Republicans just lost a “safe” seat.

Update: If things keep going like this, the Democrats might have a majority before the election. This is the fourth Republican to fall in the House.

Update 2: TBogg noticed before me.


1 John B. { 09.30.06 at 12:16 pm }

“I think the Republicans just lost a “safe” seat.”

Bryan! You really are an optimist! Such faith in the Florida voters!

2 Bryan { 09.30.06 at 1:05 pm }

John, I’m basing that on people staying home who would have voted for Foley and the odd mix in the 16th, which runs across the peninsula from Palm Beach to Port Charlotte north of Lake Okeechobee.

I left a comment on your post.