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Brrrrr! — Why Now?
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Instead of Iowa, the first primary should be in West Florida. We are also in the Central Time Zone, have more registered voters, and are just about as cold with single digit wind chills, but we don’t have the snow and ice until the pipes break.

When you are insulating a house in Florida the assumption is air conditioning and you are looking at a 30° temperature differential between inside and outside air, i.e. covering from 40° to 100° while maintaining 70° inside. When the temperature drops below freezing, you feel it inside during the three or four cold spells a winter.

I know it will kill the fleas, but it isn’t very nice when somecat discovered that the kitchen door hadn’t closed properly this morning and opened it wide. It got chilly, quickly.

My white and black lap warmer [AKA Dot] is working fine but the hands don’t respond well. Fortunately I can’t see the electric meter spinning its little disk at hard drive speeds.

The way things are sounding, the Republicans may not have enough people left to actually have a caucus in some areas. Everyone seems to want to join the Democratic gatherings. On one level this is a nice endorsement of the Dems, but it could also be a plan to sabotage the proceedings. I really think the early primaries should be closed, so the parties can make their own decisions. If you don’t do that, what’s the point of the party and the primary?


1 hipparchia { 01.03.08 at 12:59 am }

you just need more cats. i had so many cats sleeping on top of me and around me last night that i kicked off the blanket [although it’s possible the cats stole it from me]. the dog is thrilled with this weather. in exchange for dead fleas, i’ll happily put on my ski suit for a few days.

i’d never paid any attention to australia’s election process until you pointed it out a while ago. they seem to be functioning reasonably well as a country, so maybe it wouldn’t hurt us to implement something along those lines.

the primaries don’t need to be this early, nor spread out over such a long time. the dems’ chosen one and the reps’ chosen one, whoever they turn out to be, we’ll already know what they stand for. they won’t need to campaign for months and months more.

also, i’m a bit ticked that they’re spending so much time away from their real jobs, the ones we’re paying them to do. unimportant little stuff like health insurance for kids comes to mind.

2 Cookie Jill { 01.03.08 at 2:06 am }

hey…could be worse. it’s -140 somewhere. Think of all the Siberian Tigers they need to warm their laps.

3 andante { 01.03.08 at 6:59 am }

I am grateful for my Chihuahua body-warmers (my lap in particular stays nice & toasty), but not grateful for this stupid primary season. Or these cold temperatures.

North Carolinians, like much of the nation, will be sashaying by the TENS to polling places under balmy May sunshine for the opportunity to vote for the last man/woman standing.

The last time I checked, a registered ‘unaffiliated’ could only vote in the Republican primary. I switched from unaffiliated to Democratic, but now I am considering switching back so I can vote for the most insane Republican as I used to.

4 Mustang Bobby { 01.03.08 at 9:19 am }

It will either kill all the fleas or drive them indoors. I’m buying an extra ration of Raid bombs.

It was 39F when I got up this morning here in Miami. Balmy compared to the panhandle, and just a reminder that we’re not technically in the tropics.

5 Bryan { 01.03.08 at 1:39 pm }

We tied the record for the day at 23°, which isn’t as bad as my time in Fairbanks, but you had the heating equipment and clothes to deal with this in Alaska. I got lucky and found a winter coat at Sears. It was on a clearance rack, as the regular merchandise was designed for Spring. Even the fleece hooded sweatshirts were advertising how light-weight and cool they were. It’s absurd – Winter has just started in earnest and woe onto him who loses or ruins any warm clothing they own. You see a lot of military field jackets from the Waterfront mission down here because that is about the only source for warm clothing.

6 Scorpio { 01.03.08 at 5:20 pm }

Yeah, I had an incident with water refusing to reach one of the bath tubs — the pipes practically go outside. A nice hair dryer restarted the water — all the other things that use water stayed fine.

7 Bryan { 01.03.08 at 6:01 pm }

The weather is hard in the houses in my area because most still use galvanized pipe, and just about anything can cause them to break after all the years they have in the ground. After the fact insulation doesn’t seem to do much good. I rigged the toilet to seep all night to keep things flowing this morning.

8 Frederick { 01.03.08 at 6:57 pm }

Nope. Should be in Alaska. So the bullshit freezes and falls to the floor the moment it leaves their mouths.

9 Bryan { 01.03.08 at 7:52 pm }

The problem is that they are causing the place to melt buy pushing their $100/barrel oil.

I have to admit, if you want quiet, the Arctic is even more silent than the desert – just the occasionally protests from the ice sheets.

10 Cookie Jill { 01.03.08 at 11:00 pm }

When I’m feeling a little wanky about it dipping down to the 50’s here, I remind myself how very blessed I am by checking in at this blog…


We’re not going to get cold here this weekend. We’re going to get blasted by wet. 3 storms and gale force winds are set to hit this weekend. All weekend. Not the best time to have a convertable.

11 Bryan { 01.03.08 at 11:30 pm }

This is not what La Niña weather is supposed to be like. It should be warmer and drier this winter. The old rules no longer work.

More snow for the Sierras, more water in the summer.