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Typical Florida Election – SNAFU — Why Now?
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Typical Florida Election – SNAFU

Rook notes that Democratic voters had problems in Central Florida and Kevin Hayden has more reporting on that.

The I-4 Jammer notes that Polk County ran out of ballots in some precincts.

I noted that the state started posting results before the polls closed.

When, exactly, is this state going to figure out how to run an election?


1 Kryten42 { 01.29.08 at 10:08 pm }

When, exactly, is this state going to figure out how to run an election?

OK! That was funny! LOL

Ummm… If I had to hazard a guess…
When the GOP are long dead and buried?
When the World is happy, safe, loving, caring place to live?
When hell freezes over?
All the above? LOL

Aha! Same old, same old………….

2 Bryan { 01.29.08 at 10:31 pm }

It is beyond embarrassing. I live in a county with paper ballots and mark-sense readers for the first pass. We have a very simple, but effective system, and you know your vote counts locally. Beyond the borders of this county it’s a crap shoot.

3 Kryten42 { 01.29.08 at 10:43 pm }

Don’t feel too bad. We have similar crap here. Same all over I expect.
Hard to know sometimes if it’s simple incompetence, corruption, or both! *sigh*

We are having a huge fight with our local council right now. They are corrupt and incompetent! A bad combo.

Oh well. 🙂

4 hipparchia { 01.29.08 at 11:18 pm }

i think they were running low on democratic ballots at my precinct, i had to wait a couple of minutes for one to be passed down the table to me from another line, and the poll worker asked me several times “are you sure you want to vote as a democrat?”

5 Bryan { 01.30.08 at 10:28 am }

That’s when it’s really irritating, Kryten. You don’t get mad when they’re simply bungling, and people generally don’t care if they’re “borrowing something extra” when the services are delivered. It’s when they are “borrowing” and nothing gets done that’s annoying and requires the pitchforks and torches at the gate.

Well, Hipparchia, being a Democrat is considered a mental defect on the Panhandle.

6 LadyMin { 01.30.08 at 11:08 am }

being a Democrat is considered a mental defect on the Panhandle

Same thing where I live… it’s a mostly Republican County. My neighbor works the polls and when I walk in she says, “we have a few of those Democratic ballots left”. Haha, nice that they saved me one.

In the last election I put a few of the Democratic candidates yard signs in my front lawn. One annoyed neighbor called and semi-jokingly told me to remove it.

7 Bryan { 01.30.08 at 12:47 pm }

Ron Paul had the only signs that were seen here, but you see and occasional Democratic sign in neighborhood dominated by military retirees. The majority vote the way their pastor tells them.