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Vernal Equinox — Why Now?
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Vernal Equinox

It’s that time of year. Spring arrives at 6:44AM CDT this morning. You can watch it come at Archæoastronomy.

The air is already filled with pollen and the live oaks are starting to drop last year’s leaves.


1 LadyMin { 03.20.09 at 6:53 pm }

Happy Spring.

I celebrated by creating a new gravatar. 🙂

LadyMin´s last blog post..Officially Spring

2 Bryan { 03.20.09 at 7:47 pm }

I noticed your change to gardening, which is in line with your blog.

3 hipparchia { 03.20.09 at 9:07 pm }


making the switch to daylight savings time is always a pain, and i was actually against the earlier start this year, but i do like the psychological lift from having both more daylight at the end of the workday and the days are longer than the nights.

hipparchia´s last blog post..A petition for you to sign

4 Bryan { 03.20.09 at 9:59 pm }

We actually exceeded the 12 hours a couple of days ago, but the don’t have watches so I have to remember to shift feeding times.