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Advice To Republicans — Why Now?
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Advice To Republicans

Y’all are in really deep yogurt right and it’s looking like a real disaster for your chances in the mid-term elections, so what you need is a real October surprise, something that will totally take the nation and the Democrats by surprise and get Mark Foley off the front pages. It has to be a real shocker.

Impeach Bush and blame everything on the White House.

I’m telling you, it’s a winner.


1 oleblue { 10.12.06 at 4:52 pm }

b..b.bbuut..but…with out their fearless leader they are nothing but a bunch of hypocrites who…never mind

2 Bryan { 10.12.06 at 5:28 pm }

If DeLay and Lott were still in charge they would have done it in a heartbeat.

3 andante { 10.12.06 at 8:47 pm }

They would be stuck with Cheney, but if it would save their own hides…yeah, they’d do it.

Another possibility – set a fire in a very wealthy (and well-insured) California hills neighborhood and set it up so FEMA comes out looking like Johnny-on-the-spot.

4 Bryan { 10.12.06 at 10:13 pm }

Andante, down here “Johnny -on-the-spot” is what we call the portable construction site toilets – FEMA already looks like that to us.