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Passing the Plate — Why Now?
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Passing the Plate

Florida License Plates

Florida Plate Blogging


Standard Florida Plate

A weekend feature of Why Now.


1 Mustang Bobby { 10.15.06 at 6:40 am }

In several other states, this type of plate is being challenged as being a political statement. Not here in Florida, however; the Bible-belters voted this through without much trouble.

I’d like to see one that says “Choose to Choose.”

2 Karen { 10.15.06 at 8:43 am }

I’d worry that by so *freely* expressing one’s view (as in Choose to Choose v Choose Life) that you’d become a target for misanthropes and the evil they perpetrate in the Name of the Lord.

But Choose to Choose is a great slogan! 🙂

3 Bryan { 10.15.06 at 12:38 pm }

I have had a lot of trouble with these posts. The link for the “Beneficiary” keeps going to odd places. I suspect elves.

4 cookiejill { 10.19.06 at 5:29 am }

CA doesn’t have that many cool plates. They have a couple of interest but it will cost you a pretty penny to obtain.

There is a nice “whale tail” plate that looks pretty, but after seeing it on one too many gas guzzling Hummers and block sized SUV’s, I’m kinda turned off. The Highway Patrol is complaining about the plate too, seems that the numbers & letters are a bit too hard to read over the tail image.

5 Bryan { 10.19.06 at 10:33 am }

Most of the special interest plates are hard to read as they aren’t “reflectorized” and there is minimal contrast between the characters and background, but they are only $25 above normal a year.