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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day — Why Now?
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Happy Saint Patrick’s Day

Éireann go Brách!

Irish Flag


Well everyone agrees that he died on March 17th, but the year is subject to debate. This is his feast day on the Catholic calendar. Enjoy as you are wont.

Wikipedia has more on Saint Patrick’s Day, if you need more.


1 cookie jill { 03.17.09 at 12:01 pm }

Official Guinness Gulping Day.

2 Bryan { 03.17.09 at 7:55 pm }

Just another excuse for a party.

3 Badtux { 03.17.09 at 11:22 pm }

Time for green beer, green potatoes, green eggs, and green ham. OD’ing on green food coloring yet? :).

Badtux´s last blog post..God Hates Figs

4 Bryan { 03.18.09 at 12:49 am }

Being from Chicago where they dye the river green, the Obamas had some dumped into the White House fountain.

As soon as I had some seniority, this is one holiday I avoided. All of the public drinking laws are effectively suspended and we had to pay to have our uniforms cleaned. The patrol cars stank for week even after you hosed them out and doused them with the pine cleaner.

5 LadyMin { 03.18.09 at 10:21 am }

Yes indeed, they dye the river green! It’s not an improvement in color I might add. Although the last few years it seems they have been using less dye, and the extra green goes away the next day.

The City has (wisely) moved the parade to the Saturday before St. Pat’s. Before that, it used to be on the day and in the central business district at about noon. After the parade a lot of the tourists who came downtown for the day filled the bars for the afternoon and then stumbled into the streets to find their way home. Businesses were never thrilled about the 2 hour lunch crowd that got caught up in the festivities either. In a way I kind of miss that!

LadyMin´s last blog post..Chicago Flower and Garden Show

6 Bryan { 03.18.09 at 12:25 pm }

While it is a lot better now, when I was stationed at NSA outside DC, pouring anything into the Potomac could have resulted in an uncontrolled chemical reaction. Confining it to the fountain was a good idea, but they could have achieved much the same effect with filtered lights.